Case Study:


Cover image of Southwest Middlesex case study.

Annual Savings From $5,000 to $8,000

The Municipality is able to respond promptly to phone calls or customer complaints and get recall for any future litigation, limiting risk.

Access to a Wealth of Information

Staff can provide accurate, time-stamped data on road conditions, deficiency recordings, and their resolutions, all in alignment with minimum maintenance standards.

Enhances Overall Service

Work orders and service requests generated within Route Patrol seamlessly feed into their maintenance system, ensuring that no citizen concern goes unattended.

Effective tracking of these patrols and the documentation of essential information are vital for smooth municipal operations. The Municipality of Southwest Middlesex embraced Citywide Route Patrol, an enhanced feature of the Citywide Maintenance solution, and transitioned from their previous paper-based system to a sophisticated route management software solution.

“Route Patrol gives staff all the information on each file and that is invaluable for the Municipality’s overarching operations.”

Greg Storms

Director of Operations, Municipality of Southwest Middlesex