Case Study

Case Study: City of Stratford

ePermitting Solution Increases Efficiencies

Streamlined Reporting Process

What previously involved manual analysis, now requires only a few clicks within Citywide Permitting, saving time and enhancing data accuracy.

50% of Staff Time Saved

With Citywide Mobile, the city can uploadnotes in real-time and can print reports directly from the software, resulting in significant time and cost savings.

Essential Visual Cues

Integration of GIS mapping capabilities for conservation and regulatory boundaries provide visual cues, minimizing the risk of errors in the permitting process.

Stratford, a southwestern Ontario community known for municipal innovation, undertook a transformative project to replace their outdated permitting system. They adopted Citywide Permitting which has enabled Stratford’s building department to work both efficiently and digitally, while also providing improved customer service to residents and developers.

“Running statistics for January showcased the simplicity of the system – it was so easy to pull information into excel, customize our reporting and manipulate the data.”

Jonathan DeWeerd

Chief Building Official, City of Stratford