
FCM Reopens Call for Municipal Asset Management Program Applications

PSD Citywide

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On January 19, 2021, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) announced the second phase of the Municipal Asset Management Program (MAMP) application intake.

Municipalities can apply to receive up to $50,000 to fund eligible asset management projects.

Applications are accepted on a continuous basis until all funding has been allocated.

Municipal Asset Management Program Eligibility

For many municipalities across Canada, this funding enables communities to prioritize asset management and begin creating a robust asset management program that fulfills provincial guidelines and regulations.

Eligible activities for MAMP funding remains the same as before, allowing municipalities to continue to advance their asset management practices or get started with program development.

These eligible activities include (but are not limited to):

Municipal Asset Management Program offers a maximum grant of $50,000. The program covers up to 80% of total eligible project costs for municipalities with a population over 1,000 and up to 90% for a population under 1,000. Eligible projects must be completed within 12 months of being approved for funding. Eligible projects must be completed within 12 months of being approved for funding.

Click here to learn more about MAMP

PSD Citywide’s grant experts are here to assist you with your Municipal Asset Management Program

Since 2018, PSD Citywide’s research analysts helped complete over 150 MAMP applications and secured over $3 million in funding for those organizations. With the reopening of program applications, PSD Citywide is again offering municipalities assistance with applications.

PSD Citywide recognizes now more than ever the importance of working together to help reach your community’s goals of better asset management practices.

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